Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ode to Music

Piano fingers white and dead,
Piano fingers lying still,
Piano fingers smooth and cold,
Without dream or wish or will.

Ebony and ivory,
Standing silent in a row,
Start to jump and bounce for me.
Notes and tunes begin to grow.

Piano fingers in my head,
Piano fingers black and white,
Piano fingers in the day,
And in the dreams of dark twilight.

Melodies and symphonies,
Spinning round inside my head.
People dancing everywhere,
Until they have to go to bed.

Piano fingers on my neck,
Piano fingers just for me,
Piano fingers sweetly touch
The chords of blissful harmony.

Pouring music in the earth,
Stamping, stomping on the stones.
Even kings don’t have such joy,
Sitting on their golden thrones.

Piano fingers on my face,
Piano fingers dancing there.
Piano fingers playing fast,
Sending notes into the air.

Rests are dying; notes are flying.
Everything just starts to flow.
I don’t know where we are going;
I just know we’ve got to go.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The World As We Know It

Planes let us fly through the sky.
Asian carp jump in the air.
Everything is up so high,
So why are we in such despair?

Fannie, Freddie, Merrill Lynch:
Barely saved without a sound.
But Lehman Brothers, AIG
Are falling fast toward the ground.

Terrorism's on the rise
In spite of progress in Iraq,
Pakistan, Afghanistan,
We don't know what to attack.

Burma's full of soldiers and monks.
Russia's killing Georgia dead.
Darfur souls can't stop to rest.
Zimbabwe's bills can't buy the bread.

Mugabe's going nowhere fast
Though he's up at eighty-four.
Compared to that, old John McCain
Still has time to rise and soar.

Palin's nothing but a dog
With makeup on to let her smile.
Biden's poking poor McCain
But karma's gonna take a while.

Obama's something of a star,
But no one knows a single thing.
The press is crazy, filled with glee.
As politicians scratch and sting,

How we wish the globe was cool,
And that our finance would be hot,
How we've tried to save the world,
Thinking we're the best it's got.

Perhaps we are, and that's just great.
But then we'd best start thinking well
And if we don't, we'll lose these wars
Because our experts just can't tell.

Economy is in the sack,
Corruption spreading everywhere,
Afghanistan and then Iraq,
Greenhouse gases in the air.

Save the banks, we need to lend.
Help the decent to the throne.
Make friends with the blahistans.
Use nukes, shocks, wind to save ozone.

Research and development;
Businesses, just take the blow.
Politics, diplomacy,
Stop the war and let us grow.

Pigs don't fly into the sky.
Dragons don’t soar up so high.
But since we can't just fall and die,
I guess we'll simply have to try.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Shadow Bright

Sixty months ago I saw it first
A quick, dark form upon light ground.
Without any actual solidity
It sort of simply burnt around,
Coloring that ground
With not a tiny sound.

Now that darkling flowing back
Swam in circular motion,
Upon slight twirling on my own part,
Dizzy as I was, it spun round my mind,
My thoughts in commotion
With this crazy notion.

But now as I try to look around
Nothing such as that form I spy.
Without a doubt, a vanishing act
Without any match, and that's a fact.
My shadow, who was going to stay
Has truly, finally, flown away.

Without a plan, without a thought.
What I should do, I just don't know.
I want my loyal shadow back.
How I wish to watch it flow,
Around and around
Upon that ground.

A shadow bright, until this line
Had missed my presence so divine.
The beginning of eternity,
The end of time and space,
I'm at the start of every end,
And the end of every place.