Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Falling out of Autumn

How the wind whistles a brisk serenade!
How it stands before the traveler,
Soft but frigid, intangible and unyielding!
An unbreakable wall upon the path,
Casting skeleton trees upon the earth,
Stripping to dark bones,
To dark bones.

The blades burn bright as they fall from the sky,
Twisting around the wind’s serpentine path
Point by point, like a starry night,
Raining upon the windswept earth,
Like rain falling down,
Falling down.

Saturday, December 04, 2010


Why do you always wonder, and
Why do you always doubt?
Why do you want an answer, and
Why do you seek it out?

Why not just blindly follow
Any quest that God may give?
Why not assume that there is
Just no other way to live?

Why must you always speculate
Upon the ifs and coulds?
Why must you second-guess the path
You’ve taken through the woods?

Why question your beliefs about
The world and how it works?
Why open each Pandora’s box
In which a lesson lurks?

Why eat the apple on that tree?
Why hear the snake’s sweet hiss?
Why would you ever want to learn
If ignorance is bliss?

But how can you just walk along
Without taking a look?
How can you wander round the world
But never read a book?

How will you ever write if you
Will never learn to read?
If you can’t learn from past mistakes
Then how will you succeed?

How can you find what you don’t have
If you don’t wish to learn?
Aren’t creation and invention
Fires that you should let burn?

Is it not pride to think that you
Know all there is to know?
Why don’t you want a better world
In which your child can grow?

So why not be a skeptic then,
And why not think and doubt?
If you never ask a question,
How on earth will you find out?