Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Vijay Fufu

Vijay Fufu always knows what to say. I bet, when he plays chess, he always wins because he's turns and turns ahead of the other person. He can always settle disputes between his children, and it is no surprise to me that he got into Microsoft. I would sincerely like Vijay Fufu to write a comment on this and tell me what he had to do to get in. Anyway, when Vijay Fufu wants to do something, nobody can stop him from doing what he pleases. If some one tries to say no, he has all his reasons springboard diving of his toungue into his aggresor's ear drum. From there it's just a short swim to the brain and the person is forced to use his/her brain. I just hope that in the future, "what he pleases" will be something that we all like.

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