Friday, August 18, 2006

Anil Tau

Happy birthday to Anil Tau. You are a wonderful father, understanding, compassionate, with a hilarious sense of humor. When Sahil spontaneously decided to buy a Gameboy Micro, you wouldn't let him have it without a fight. First you sent him on a career research quest to earn his new toy, which undoubtedly left him with a better view of his future. Yet even when Sahil stopped his project, you finally bought him a Micro. In the end I'm sure Sahil took even better care of his Gameboy than he normally would have, for it was so incredibly precious to him. Besides being a marvelous dad, you are also kind to everyone around you. When Saachi and I came over to visit, you must have taken me to at least six restaurants, two movies, a museum, and even a haircut! A person can never be bored when he/she is with you. An aura of laughter follows you like a shadow, never failing to make us smile. :)

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