Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Perfection would be nice. In fact, it would be perfect. But everybody knows that nobody can be perfect although anybody could see that somebody must be pretty close, because of natural variation.

"Nobody's perfect."
"We're only human."
These are ancient proverbs passed down from the past.
They also happen to be degrading and would be severely detrimental to society if everyone knew it.
These kinds of phrases emphasize the imperfection of humans, which is perfectly legitimate. However, the context in which they are used are, at least 3 times out of 5, as an excuse for a less-than-satisfactory result of something, such as a grade, a project, a software program, or a car. None of these things are perfect, and sayings like those above are sometimes used to waive the consequences.
The key point to realize is that although the state of perfection is exclusively theoretical, we still ought to strive to acheive it. For example, only a few people in the class get an A+. That doesn't mean that the rest of the class does not want or should not try to get an A+; it probably means that they will have to work harder to achieve that high grade. Nobody is perfect, but anybody can try.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Conservation of energy: There was a certain amount of energy in a particle smaller than a quark in the very very very beginning of time. When it blew up, it created the universe. There is a certain amount of energy in this universe. It doesn't change. Energy can be transformed into different types, but it is never created or destroyed.

Energy is conserved.
In the universe, not the earth.

We lose energy through the atmosphere (a), and we gain energy from the sun's rays(b). If a is less than b, the earth will heat up past the point at which we die. If a is greater than b, we may eventually have no energy left on earth. Right now b stands for bigger.

This is called global warming.
It scares some people enough to make speeches about it.
...I think what we need is a way to cool down...

Thermo-electric generators would let the world relax. There is always heat in the air. With global warming and everything, there seems to be more of it than usual (whatever we define "usual" to be...). Take the thermal energy out of the air, and it gets cooler. There is so much heat in the air, and more coming in from the sun, that energy supplies would sky-rocket because of the omnipresence of thermal energy. This would reduce the pressure put on gasoline and oil-filled countries. After we use it so much that the world actually cools down a couple degrees to whatever it ought to be if global warming didn't exist ("usual"), then we can split energy sources between gasoline, ethanol, which will have been perfected by the time TEGs are potentially created, and thermal energy.
Right now I have no idea how anyone would make such a thing; I just thought it would be pretty cool.

Good kid-bad kid

A "bad kid" leaves home to hang out with his or her friends, possibly doing drugs, drinking, dancing, or playing video games, talks back to his parents, has messy hair and clothes, seems lazy at home but acts like the Energizer bunny at parties, and in general gives you a feeling of "teen." With a personality that rocks the house on its foundations, he or she is the kind of person you see in magazine "success stories" where the kid may be a jock or just in bad childhood conditions but somehow manages to come out on top in a suit and a smile.

A "good kid" stays at home, does all the household and out-of-household chores for his parents, gets good grades without needing to study, studies anyway, obeys his parents, and is a social recluse apart from a few close friends who are always polite and intelligent, just like him or her. He never goes to dances or parties, especially ones with drugs or alcohol, even when he's invited. Startingly isolated from the world, he or she has an almost monotonously positive attitude about life, the universe, and everything.

So...which would you rather have?