Sunday, February 11, 2007

Good kid-bad kid

A "bad kid" leaves home to hang out with his or her friends, possibly doing drugs, drinking, dancing, or playing video games, talks back to his parents, has messy hair and clothes, seems lazy at home but acts like the Energizer bunny at parties, and in general gives you a feeling of "teen." With a personality that rocks the house on its foundations, he or she is the kind of person you see in magazine "success stories" where the kid may be a jock or just in bad childhood conditions but somehow manages to come out on top in a suit and a smile.

A "good kid" stays at home, does all the household and out-of-household chores for his parents, gets good grades without needing to study, studies anyway, obeys his parents, and is a social recluse apart from a few close friends who are always polite and intelligent, just like him or her. He never goes to dances or parties, especially ones with drugs or alcohol, even when he's invited. Startingly isolated from the world, he or she has an almost monotonously positive attitude about life, the universe, and everything.

So...which would you rather have?

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