Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ode to the North Star

O strong North Star, in every glimpse of you,
Do I find that your beauty soars supreme.
Eternal, every day you stay so true;
Through months and years, your glow burns ever bright.

On winds I fly to you in every dream,
Toward your shining beacon of pure light.
Here in this world I can do naught but seem,
Ephemeral as rainbows, clouds of hue.

No thought for rest, you shine throughout the night,
Sweet gifts of inspiration you imbue.
Though none can ever strive to see your sight,
A fool may still have faith in your clear gleam,

Remaining still through storm, earthquake, and fire,
Providing hope in wandering sailors need,
Over the heavens, dearth of all desire,
Lauded by Shakespeare’s sonnet for all time.

All trial and tribulation far indeed,
Removed from deathly thorns and heinous crime,
I dream and fly to thee at breakneck speed,
Soar with the wind, and trees and seas admire.

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