Saturday, October 15, 2011


A lens through which to see the world
And focus the light of knowledge upon the brain
Stimulating sparks across a single neuron,
A single circuit, a single mind,
Hoping to spark an illuminating fire,
A passion that strives every day and night
To discover that which is unknown,
To see what has never been seen.

The stronger and deeper the lens
The more focused the point of light,
But the more focused the lens
The narrower the scope and vision,
For breadth is not depth,
And depth is not breadth.

So perhaps instead we might try
A plethora of lenses,
Shaping a multifaceted diamond
Through which we might parse
Every color the world holds,
But the more spread the lenses,
The broader the point of light,
And the broader the focus,
The dimmer the passionate flame,
For depth is not breadth,
And breadth is not depth.

Over and over, and over again,
Perpetually pondering problems
Whose answers are only other inquiries
Yet to be seen or successfully solved:
The recursive howhy? of a child
Struggling to understand the world,
The eternal whoamI? of a mind
Struggling to understand itself.

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